Tag Archives: Chapter 1 – Emergence

About The Story Weaver Project

In 2012, my mother crossed the rainbow bridge at the age of eighty-six. While cleaning her apartment at Puerta del Sol, I found an old shoe box filled with letters from family members. These were written during our exodus from our island of sun. As I grieved my loss, I read and catalogued each letter and piece of paper.

The Idea

In dreamland, I heard: “The story of each person’s life is the story of the universe. You are a story weaver. Imagination is your greatest gift. Let others feed your imaginings and weave all these stories.” I stormed to the keyboard where ideas galloped.

Lucid Surrealism

To express my Caribbean, Mestiza, queer voice, I created a new literary style, Lucid Surrealism. 

With love and gratitude,

The Story Weaver

Mariel Masque – Copyright 2014
All Rights Reserved